

January 2005

24th Annual Ka Moloka'i Makahiki (Ancient Hawaiian Games)
Kaunakakai Town Baseball Park & Mitchell Pauole Community Center.
In addition to the ancient Hawaiian sports competition, there will be craft and food booths and entertainment.
Contact Louise Bush 808.553.3673



Prince Kuhio Celebration - Kiowea Park.
Contact Ochie Bush 808.567.6027


Ho'omau - Fund raiser for Punana Leo O Molokai
Contact Punana Leo O Molokai 808.5567.9211
Earth Day Celebration - The Nature Conservancy
Contact Kathy Tachibana 808.553.5236


Kaiwi Challenge Relay
The Annual Kaiwi Challenge, a 39-mile race for one-man canoes, starts at Kaluakoi Resort on Molokai and
finishes at the Outrigger Canoe Club in Waikiki. Contact the Hawaiian Island Paddlesports
Association at http://www.kaikahoe.org/
Email to hipa@kaikahoe.org or leave a message on their info line at 808.969.6695. |
Kanaka Ikaika Kayak Race
he Starbucks Moloka`i Challenge is the world championship of kayak and one-person canoe racing. An international contingent of men and women race solo for 32-miles across the Kaiwi Channel from Moloka`i to the east shore of O`ahu, finishing at Koko Marina. The Kaiwi Channel, referred to as the "Moloka`i Channel," is considered one of the most challenging and treacherous in the world.
14th Annual Molokai Ka Hula Piko Festival
A celebration of the birth of hula. Papohaku Beach Park.

Ku'i I ke'a ~ Dance with the spark of fire
Ku'i I ka Wai Kahe ~ Dance with the fluidity of Water
Ke Aka Ku'i O Moloka'i ~ Such is the dance essence of Moloka'i

This is an ancient saying of Moloka'i regarding the true spirit and essence of the island's unique dance style. In life, fire and water do not mix. But in spirit, the essence of fire and water blend evenly together in the Ku'i or dance style of Moloka'i. The cultural focus of this year's Ka Hula Piko will center on the ancient dance styles of Moloka'i.

For more information, please contact the Molokai Visitors Association at 808.553.3876.


3rd Annual Hawaiian Performing Arts Competition
At the Maunaloa Outdoor Amphitheater on Molokai's west end.

He Makana Aloha is a celebration of all things Hawaiian, from the ancient Kahiko and Oli to the sweet sounds of Falsetto. The event will also embrace the modern dance of Awana and acoustically entice you with Ukulele and Slack Key Guitar performances. He Makana is about sharing our talents and giving back the true gift of Aloha through music, pride and love for the Hawaiian Culture.

The Competition is free, there will be plenty of good food prepared by Molokai's finest cooks, wonderful arts and crafts, event memorabilia and games for the kids too!

For event information,luau tickets or entry forms, please contact molokaievents.com at 808-552-2800
or at moinfo@molokaievents.com


American Cancer Society Relay For Life
Duke Maliu Ballpark 7pm - 7am
Contact American Cancer Society 808.553.5154
9th Annual Molokai to Oahu Paddleboard Race
Paddlers come from all over the world to compete in this 32 mile race from Molokai to Oahu.
Contact Mike Takahashi 808-638-8208 mtakahas@cagpc.com


6th Annual Molokai Bowhunters State Tournament
Pala'au State Park
6th Annual Nationally Sanctioned Event. 25 Target - Marked Animals. Divisions include; Freestyle, Barebow Bow hunter, Barebow Freestyle or Traditional (Recurved or LongBow). Age groups include: Cubs (11 & Under), Youth (12-14), Young Adults (15-17), Adults, (18 & above), Guests and Olympic Class.

Entry forms and events details can be obtained by calling Aki Kawano at 808-553-3366 or Moses Luczon at 808-553-5780. Spectators are welcome at no additional charge. Event apparel as well as food & beverage booths will be available at the tournament. For those interested on going on a hunt for Axis deer at Molokai Ranch on August 21st, contact Joey Joao (cell) 808-336-0095 or (808) 553-3329.



Na Wahine O Ke Kai
Woman's outrigger canoe championship - Molokai to Oahu.
Contact Hannie Anderson 808.259.7112. holoholo.org/wahine


Aloha Festivals
Hula, music and fashions on Friday night. Parade and Ho'olaulea Saturday morning. tina.thompson@co.maui.hi.us or visit
Molokai Hoe
A 41-mile Outrigger Canoe race from Molokai to Oahu across the Kaiwi Channel, the Molokai Hoe is considered the world championship of men's long-distance outrigger canoe racing.
Contact Hannie Anderson - 808.259.7112


Friendly Isle Ultra-Marathon
In its 8th year running, the Ultra-Marathon has drawn runners from around the world. Sponsored in part by Kaihou Running Club of Japan, Hospitality Tours and Molokai General, this event hosts a 100K (62 miles), 42K (26 miles) and 42K 4-man relay. Contact Lani Sahagun at 808-553-5471


Electric Light Parade
Moloka'i Main Street Association
Parade starts about 6:30pm or when it gets dark, so grab a chair, get to town and park yourself along the street to judge the best lit float on the island. Contact Maria Holmes at maria@mobettah.net for more information.